
Utterly Biased is a weekly newsletter that aims to add to the current minimal conversation happening in the Boston startup/innovation ecosystem. As it stands, there are some people doing quite a bit of heavy lifting, in particular Greg at Xconomy, Dylan at Bostinno, and Scott and Curt at the Globe; but, there is little insight and storytelling going on here. Also, it doesn’t seem as if anyone is having any fun.

So as a former tech/business journalist and current startup consultant, I’m hoping to shake things up a little bit. Utterly Biased is an experiment aimed at doing just that.

But, this won’t work without you: The people making the news, trying to change the world, and living the highs and lows of creating, backing, supporting, and running businesses in Boston. So send me the best stories you’ve got at tips@utterlybiased.com.

Thanks, and help spread the word. Please share the Utterly Biased sign up form.

This project is part of a life’s artwork in progress; in its current form, it is just the first sketch.


So, while the name implies bias, it’s more of a bit of a tongue-in-cheek bit of branding. Biased? Yes…for the people, ventures, and happenings in Boston that are going under-covered or unreported.

Biased toward any specific entity? No.

So to put it all on the table, here is the deal:

I’ve made some good choices and not-so-great choices in my career, and ended up in my current lot putting together this newsletter, and working as a part-time consultant for some local businesses and organizations.

Currently, my paying clients are the Harvard Innovation Labs and a small medical tech company called Seventh Sense Biosystems. For both of these organizations, I advise on marketing, content-driven and creative projects, communications, branding, and more. I am also involved in developing a podcast for Pillar, a local VC firm, a project which is still in development.

In the past, I have been employed by Coca-Cola, the Massachusetts State Treasurer’s Office, Aramark at Fenway Park, multiple local construction and masonry companies, the Waltham Public School system, the LABBB special education collaborative, the Dexter-Southfield school, The Boston Globe, and Pandodaily. I have done freelance or consulting work for Runkeeper, MassChallenge, Robin, Jobble, V.2 Communications, Tamr, and Flyp.


So pretty conflicted, right. But not biased. None of these organizations will get preferential treatment here. Sorry I’m not a virgin-white, untarnished technology journalist, but I’m old and have a growing family. If that’s what you are looking for, there are plenty of options out there.